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Spring Semester Recap

Third year, spring semester is officially a wrap!

One year ago, you could not tell me that I would be in the space that I'm in today. As a grad student, at the end of each semester I often get asked questions like "how was your semester?" or "how did things wrap up for you?" so often. Barely one week out, I've already been asked that a few times. Surprisingly, this has been one of my best semesters since I've been in my PhD program (close second to my first semester). Honestly, 2019 has been such an amazing year for me so far. I've been excelling in all aspects of my life and for the first time in a very long time, I feel good. Like good GOOD. I am in a good headspace. I am becoming whole and healthy: mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I am the healthiest that I have ever been. I'm happy - and it feels weird saying that (well typing it) because I haven’t been able to say that in a very long time.

As you're reading this, you may be wondering what magical thing occurred this semester for me to get to this place. Well, let me tell you.

#1, God

I consider myself to be both spiritual and religious and it took things not going according to MY plan for me to trust and have faith that things will go according to HIS plan. It took me getting to a point where I absolutely needed to 100% fully trust in Him and I will never try to be the planner over my life again. Over these past few months, my faith has strengthened tremendously.

#2, my therapist

photo taken from

My therapist is a dope, Black woman and I am oh so grateful to have found her. If you haven't figured this out by now, I am a strong mental health advocate (stay tuned for upcoming posts) and I speak very candidly and openly about my mental health. Attending therapy regularly has been instrumental in me getting to the place that I'm in today.

#3, my support system

I have a solid, A1 support system. From my parents, partner, friends, family, and mentors, my support system has been everything, not just during these past few months but since I've been in my program and I am forever grateful.

#4, yoga

I dabbled in yoga back in undergrad, but last summer I became involved in it again. Once fall semester started, I fell off but picked back up this past spring and it's been one of the best decisions I've made. I never want to not practice yoga. I practice at least three days a week, so I think it's safe to consider myself a yogi, lol. Not only am I able to get my daily physical activity in through yoga, but it also allows me to be in tune with my mind and body. It forces me to be mindful and enjoy that hour for just myself.

#5, changing my diet

I recently got my gallbladder removed which has forced me to change my diet for the better. I was never one to eat tons of fast food but I LOVE Chick-fil-A, which I haven't eaten in almost 2 months now. Crazy, I know. The saying "you are what you eat" is absolutely true. I've had to remove foods from my diet such as coffee, dairy products, and fried foods and increase my intake of nutrients through fruits and veggies. I also limit my meat consumption. If I do eat meat, it'll be baked chicken. In some ways, I've taken on a pescatarian diet and I've never felt better.

All in all, life is good. I'm healthy. I'm happy. I'm thankful. I'm blessed.

Peace, love, & blessings,

- Taylor


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